
Random #2

Someone said to me that there's an unfinished business between us. Oh well, don't make me hope for something like that. I don't like it. For real.


(Not so) excited with my new routine

Why the title of this post is a lil' bit weird (I can't find the proper word that can describe my feeling LOL)? Because eventhough many friends of mine said I'm lucky enough, I don't feel that. Well, you can call me such an ungrateful person, but hey I have my own reasons to say this. This is my life after all.
There's so many unstable thing. I don't know how to draw my future plan. Everything seems so grey, neither black or white. Too many upredictable situation that can ruin my plan. Well, I could say that my plan has been ruined. A little.
Well, I guess I have to hold on for a little longer because after all, I love the job. And I have so many spare time. Hahaha. Poor me or lucky me? Both of them I think. :)

The Routine

The new routine. Well, I guess for about two weeks later. *yawn* I need coffee, but coffee isn't my BFF right now. Oh poor stomach. :'(


Twitter is a huge public space

Yes! Twitter is a huge public space. Catet yah catet.

Kenapa saya bilang begini? Ya iyalah. Twitter itu kan siapa aja punya dan siapa aja bisa mengaksesnya.
Jadi kalo menurut teori budaya urban bla bla bla yang ribet itu, twitter itu sekarang bisa dikatakan sebagai ruang publik, ruang terbuka. Hanya saja sifatnya maya karena ada di dunia maya alias internet.
Nah, karena ruang publik maka setiap individu berhak berekspresi sebebas mungkin. Tapi tetap dong ada batas-batas tertentu yang menentukan sampai mana sih yang dimaksud 'sebebas mungkin' itu.

Berhubung saya sudah agak eror otaknya karena sudah cape banget, jadi disini saya mau menekankan sekali lagi. Dalam twitter yang public space itu, marilah kita berhati-hati dalam menyuarakan pendapat kita. Karena disinilah interpretasi bebas bermain dan bisa terjadi salah paham. Sekian.
